Welcome to the Mudi Association of Canada
The Mudi Association of Canada (MAC) was Founded in 2002.
It is a where you can find information about the History of the Mudi breed, Information about the Mudi and Mudis in Canada. The Mudi was introduced to the CKC (Canadian Kennel Club) in 1996 and became fully recognized in 2015. The MAC is not a club registered with the CKC.
Mudi Enthusiasts from around Canada have gotten together to host the following events.
2 - CKC (Canadian Kennel Club) Agility Trials
4 - AAC (Agility Association of Canada) Agility Trials
1 - Herding Instinct Test Evaluation
Member of the North American Flyball Association
October 20, 2020 is another historic day for the Mudi in Canada. The first 2 mudis were imported to Calgary, Canada in 1996. In 2002 the Mudi Breed applied to be recognized in the CKC and with a positive vote added to the Miscellaneous Class. The Miscellaneous Class was changed to the Miscellaneous List in 2008 and we waited until the Breed Referendum in 2015. The Canadian Kennel Club (CKC) voted to move the Mudi Breed to be fully registered with the CKC in 2016. Since January 2017 we have been waiting for the Animal Pedigree Act of Canadian Government to approve the vote. We received notification that the Mudi along with 11 other breeds were approved and are NOW fully recognized in Canada.

Contact the list of breeders for their Available Puppies and Upcoming Litter plans for Spring/Summer/Fall.

Mudis can be found Across Canada:
- British Columbia
- Alberta
- Ontario
- Yukon
- Quebec
- Manitoba
- Newfoundland
- Nova Scotia
- New Brunswick
This website is updated monthly. Please report any broken links or if you would like to be added to the Canadian Breeders Contact Page or any photos of Canadian Mudis to add to the Gallery Email Webmaster |